Thank you for considering CompCare
One size doesn’t fit all… that’s why we’ve got 7 plans for you to choose from, so you can find the perfect fit for both your medical care needs and your pocket.
Flexible Savings Plan
From R2 291 / month
Comprehensive hospital cover with a flexible savings account
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Hospital Plan
From R2 608 / month
Complete private hospital benefit plan with wellness benefits
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Discretionary Savings Plan
From R3 652 / month
Comprehensive hospital cover with a flexible savings account
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Traditional Plan
From R5 032 / month
Comprehensive hospital cover with day-to-day benefits and 40 chronic conditions covered
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Complete Family Plan
From R5 118 / month
Comprehensive hospital cover with outstanding day-to-day benefits and medical savings
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Comprehensive Benefits
From R6 291 / month
Comprehensive hospital cover with extensive day-to-day benefits, medical savings and above-threshold benefits, with 65 chronic conditions covered
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Executive Cover
From R8 172 / month
Comprehensive hospital cover with extensive day-to-day benefits, medical savings and above-threshold benefits, with 74 chronic conditions covered
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